
Over 1600 Hubei Migrant Workers Return to Work by Dedicated Trains


  At 13:24 on March 19, with the whistle blowing, G4368 train left Jingzhou Station carrying nearly 600 Jingzhou migrant workers back to work.

  Hubei province, as a major labor exporting region, has about 6 million migrant workers working in other provinces. As the epidemic prevention and control situation in China continues to improve, Hubei Province has adopted a "point-to-point, one-stop" approach to accurately transport workers back to work on the premise of ensuring health management and implementing epidemic prevention and control measures.

  China Railway Wuhan Group Co., Ltd. has made great efforts to meet the demands of local governments. According to the quantity, destination and travel time of migrant workers, it has actively allocated available tickets and optimized the train organization plan to operate "point-to-point" work-returning dedicated high-speed trains in many places, safely and orderly transporting migrant workers from their hometown to the factories based on different regions and different levels.

  Jingzhou Station has organized all-round disinfection at security checkpoints, waiting rooms, platforms and other areas in advance to create a safe travel environment for migrant workers. It has set up special waiting areas, and established emergency teams composed of CPC and CYL members to guide migrant workers to wait for trains separately. It has provided migrant workers the epidemic prevention and control knowledge brochures to enhance their awareness, and also strengthened the boarding-alighting organization by guiding the boarding-alighting in different carriages and ensuring the quick boarding of migrant workers.

  "The work-returning dedicated train is really a timely help for us who want to go out to work and earn more money so that our life can be more prosperous." Fu Qiang, who has worked in Zhongshan Security Service Co., Ltd for nearly 6 years, said. On March 19, more than 1,600 Jingzhou migrant workers took the G4368 and G4318 "point-to-point" work-returning dedicated high-speed trains to Guangdong respectively.