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Asia’s Largest Underground Transportation Complex Hub Enters New Construction Phase


      The construction of Asia’s largest underground transportation complex, Beijing Sub-center Railway Station, is proceeding smoothly, as the construction work on the ground floor has started recently.

  The 1.28 million-square-meter traffic complex, designed to connect Beijing-Binhai Intercity Railway and Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railways, an airport express line and three subway lines, has a three-layer underground structure. This core area covers 379,000 square meters, the underground station has 8 platforms and 14 lines.

  Eventually, the land above the hub will be a large business district, so this will be an overlap region for transportation and other comprehensive services.

  After the mega project is completed, it will take only 15 minutes to reach Beijing Capital International Airport, and 35 minutes to get to the new Beijing Daxing International Airport. Travel time to Xiongan New Area in the neighboring Hebei province will be reduced to one hour.