CR-Urumqi, in collaboration with relevant authorities and enterprises, has formed alliances in sectors such as thermal coals, electricity, petroleum and agricultural products, providing tailored logistics solutions for customers and achieving an increase of over 12 million tons in freight for the initiative of shifting transport "from road to rail". They have also organized sea-rail intermodal trains by a one-bill coverage system, opening up an efficient logistics transport corridor from Xinjiang to coastal regions. This year, CR-Urumqi completed the transportation of 75.04 million tons of coal out of Xinjiang, a 51.5% increase year-on-year, surpassing last year's total export volume 103 days ahead of schedule. They also dispatched 13.4 million tons of chemical products, a 3.9% YoY growth.
At the same time, CR-Urumqi has strengthened its transport organization to ensure a steady increase in CRE train services. This year, the volume of CRE passing through both ports in the jurisdiction of CR-Urumqi has continued to rise, reaching 13,500 trains, a 13% increase from the previous year. The total cargo volume passed reached 24 million tons, a 12% YoY increase, both setting new historical records.