
Container Train for Coal Transport Launched on Haolebaoji-Ji’an Railway


  At 22:40 on July 20, with the whistle blowing, a 50-car container train (No. 87559) loaded with over 3,200 tons of coal departed from Haizetan Station on Haolebaoji-Ji’an Railway, heading for Enshi, Hubei Province. This marks the successful operation of the first container train for coal transport on Haolebaoji-Ji’an Railway.

  Facing the increasing demands for logistics transport, China Railway Xi'an Group Co., Ltd. has actively adapted itself to the requirements of local economic transformation and development, actively carrying out the "highway to railway" transport for coal and other bulk goods. In multiple visits to factories and mines in northern Shaanxi, it has vigorously promoted the advantages of railway container transportation in environmental protection, safety and high efficiency, so as to expand its container transport services.