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Assistance by Party Building: "Locomotive" Leads the Revitalization

  In the early winter in Hotan County of southern Xinjiang, China, machines are running in full swing in the "Locomotive Flour Factory" and various kinds of fresh food are rolled off the production line of the "Locomotive Food Factory", showing us a picture of rural revitalization.

  "I am very proud to be a cadre stationed in Hotan County for two times to offer assistance to the villages and do something for precision poverty alleviation and rural revitalization!" said Mutalifu-Haishan, Party chief of Hami Track Maintenance Depot of China Railway Urumqi Group Co., Ltd., on November 16 on the telephone when recalling the days when he provided assistance by Party building in Hotan County.

  Assistance by Party building is an important means for China Railway Urumqi Group Co., Ltd. to offer help and support through pairing programs to achieve rural revitalization in Hotan County. China Railway Urumqi Group Co., Ltd. concentrates its continuous efforts on Party building and talent reserve to promote rural revitalization and produce multiple benefits.

  Nowadays, assistance by Party building has been integrated into the lives of the villagers, and the Party's care warms their hearts. In recent 3 years, 572 people of the 12 villages of Hotan County receiving assistance through pairing programs offered by China Railway Urumqi Group Co., Ltd. have submitted applications for Party membership and 236 of them have joined the Communist Party of China.